
What can I do?

Our God is the God of Life; His work sustains and upholds us. Having formed us at the moment of fertilization, God continues His life-affirming work even now through His Word, His Sacraments, and His people. Called to faith and given the redemptive gifts Christ earned for us on the cross, we not only live in our baptismal waters but also, by God’s grace, makeĀ ripples of LIFE in the world.

God’s creative and redemptive work testifies to the value of every human life. YA For Life seeks to equip young adults to be Gospel-motivated voices for LIFE. Through service, celebration, worship, and education, young adults are encouraged to engage in life-affirming activities and become advocates for life in their families, churches, communities, and world.

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Our Programs

Life Teams

Are you interested in starting a Life Team at your church? Life Teams receive ongoing mentorship, resources, and support as they share the For Life message in their homes, churches, and communities.

YA For Life Connection Events

Designed for young adults in their 20s and 30s, YA For Life gatherings provide an all-inclusive opportunity for participants from across the country to connect, serve, worship, and learn together.

Spotlight on Life

Ready to host an educational event at your church? Our Lutherans For Life Team is eager to help! Either half-day or full-day events, Spotlight on Life happens on-site at YOUR church. Designed to cover a wide variety of topics, these events can be paired with service projects and multi-generational opportunities.

All human life is important, valuable, and meaningful.
