Our God is the GOD OF LIFE, and He created humankind in His own image. As handmade, original works of art, our bodies, souls, and lives have inherent and eternal value.
The Bible is full of examples of how God values and loves life; He consistently preserves, protects, and provides for His people. In the ultimate act of love, God sent His Son to die for ALL HUMAN LIFE.
Because we are created and redeemed by God Himself, EVERY HUMAN LIFE is important, valuable, and meaningful. Called to be His children, we have a message of LIFE to share with the world.
YA For LIFE seeks to equip young adults to be Gospel-motivated voices for LIFE. But it doesn’t stop there! Created, redeemed, and called to faith, young adults are handmade to be messengers of life, publicly and privately engaging with others to uphold their lives. Through service, education, worship, and celebration, young adults are encouraged to become advocates for LIFE in their homes, churches, communities, and world! In this way, their life-affirming work ripples into the future – not only changing lives today, but also the lives of those to come.
Meet the Director of Y4Life
Michelle Bauman
Michelle Bauman joined the Lutherans For Life team on June 1, 2019. She earned her Lutheran teaching degree in secondary education from Concordia Nebraska in 1998 and a master’s degree in English from the University of Indianapolis in 2011. Before joining Lutherans For Life, Michelle taught middle school English from 1998 to 2002 at Holy Cross Lutheran School in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and English, Drama, and Speech at Trinity Lutheran High School in Seymour, Indiana, from 2002 to 2019. Michelle also served as Trinity’s Recruitment Director from 2004 to 2017.
As sponsor of the YA for Life events and Director of Y4Life, Michelle helps high school students, college-aged youth, and young adults learn about life issues and how to address them from a Gospel-motivated perspective. She also supports the building and maintaining of Y4Life Teams on high school and college campuses across the nation. When not presenting, writing, or creating social media posts for Y4Life, Michelle loves gardening, taking long walks, traveling, cooking, and spending time with her husband, sons, and daughter-in-love. She lives in Columbus, Indiana, with her husband, Pastor Doug Bauman, and attends St. Paul Lutheran Church, Clifty, where he serves as pastor. You can reach her at mbauman@lutheransforlife.org.
Meet the Director of Volunteer Relations
Virginia Flo
Virginia joined Lutherans For Life in September 2013 and currently resides in Eagan, Minnesota, where she is a member of Trinity Lone Oak Lutheran Church and School. She has spent her life in a dual career both in business management, working for several major corporations in the Twin Cities area, as well as making a career in church work. She has worked extensively in the areas of Christian education, stewardship, and evangelism, while also serving as a choir director where she has able to share her love of Christian music with both adults and children. In her business experience she has worked in management, marketing, technology, and the graphic and visual arts. Her strong conviction For Life has given her the opportunity to speak on all the life issues, with a particular emphasis in physician assisted suicide, which is being addressed in many states today. She grew up in a family that welcomed foster children who found a safe home with them in the country. She has authored a Christian fiction novel capturing some of those foster care experiences. Virginia has served as an LFL Life Chapter president and is now working across the United States helping equip Lutherans to be Gospel-motivated voices For Life. You can reach her at vflo@lutheransforlife.org.
Volunteer Relations Team
Barbara Lane Geistfeld, DVM Assistant Director of Volunteer Relations
Michele Hartshorn Assistant Director of Volunteer Relations