LFL National Conference

Lutherans For Life National Conferences allow our team to come directly to you with the For Life Gospel message. These gatherings are wonderful times spent together where we can provide valuable information and encouragement to you, your community, and the life-affirming work you are engaged in. Keep an eye out for more information about our next LFL National Conference, coming soon.

Hope 4 Healing: Y4Life Gender Conference

Sexuality is a gift. Integral to our understanding of self and essential in our service to neighbor, sexuality is designed to be a blessing. But what happens when the gift of sexuality, because of sin, is broken? How do we respond to gender brokenness in ourselves, our loved ones, and our neighbors? We offer hope.

Hope 4 Healing, a conference designed for high school and college youth as well as adults, will address the issue of gender brokenness and more. Join Y4Life and Lutherans For Life to find out what makes your body a good gift and what happens when gender is disordered. Discover how you can speak privately and publicly about gender with a Gospel-motivated voice. We’ll be talking a lot about brokenness – the brokenness of culture, of family, and of ourselves. But we’ll be answering that brokenness with something stronger: HOPE. Hope for today and hope for eternity.

Download the Hope 4 Healing conference flyer HERE.

For Such a Time as This | Lutheran Adoption Conference

Adoption and Christianity go together like apple pie and ice cream. We just can’t tell the story of God’s love for humankind without talking about adopting. That’s why Christianity invented organized orphan care. But did you know more than 114,000 children in the U.S. are currently awaiting an adoptive home? Did you know that almost 153 million little ones live as orphans right now worldwide? And did you know that Lutherans can’t wait to do something about it?

At the Lutheran Adoption Conference join a gathering of Lutheran leaders at the Hyatt Regency Houston Intercontinental Airport at the Lutheran Adoption Conference. Enjoy the testimony and talents of Dove Award-winning musician and adoptee Mark Schultz. Experience the fellowship and celebration (did somebody say, “Banquet!”?). Discover the expert information and exciting opportunities. Questions? Contact Rev. Michael Salemink at msalemink@lutheransforlife.org.

More information for the For Such a Time as This conference can be found HERE.