A Spotlight on Life event brings life issue awareness and education to your local Lutheran congregations or church sponsored community events, even in smaller venues and rural areas. Lutherans For Life (LFL) staff are offering to be featured speakers and extend their expertise on a variety of life issues. With Spotlight on Life, your event will be equipping many others to be Gospel-motivated voices For Life. It is simple, like a “speaking event in a box!” You conduct the event and LFL provides the expert speaker, based on topic preference and availability. Whether your event is one hour, a half day, an evening or something else, your event is sure to be a success with Spotlight on Life! To learn more, go to https://lutheransforlife.org/spotlight-on-life/.

Ready to host an educational event at your church? Our Lutherans For Life Team is eager to help! Either a half-day or full-day event, Spotlight on Life happens on-site at YOUR church. Designed to cover a wide variety of topics, these events can be paired with service projects and multi-generational opportunities. Ready to set up a Spotlight on Life in your community or at your congregation? Contact Pastor Salemink at msalemink@lutheransforlife.org to schedule your event today!