Freedom in Family
By Madison Zuniga “Well, I would love to go to graduate school, or work in the publishing and editing field, but I definitely want to prioritize starting a family.” A crease forms on my friend’s forehead, and I sense her …
Reviewing Erika Bachiachi’s The Rights of Women: Reclaiming a Lost Vision By: Nadia Hartwig In the current political climate, where being a “feminist” usually encompasses pro-abortion rallies, anti-marriage stances, and hostile views toward traditional gender roles beneath shouts for gender …
By: Ella Wiegand Anyone with a social media account is constantly bombarded with sex. Whether it’s actual porn, nudity, sexual information, or maybe just hearing others talk about it, sex is everywhere. All of us have probably watched a movie …
By Hallie Barteau Pregnancy resource centers provide a variety of services to women experiencing difficult or unexpected pregnancies. The nature of services offered by these centers differs from one organization to the next as each focuses their efforts in a …