by Michelle Bauman
It’s Holy Week, the most important week in the history of the world. It’s the week Jesus fulfills His mission, the week He finishes the work He ultimately came to do.
The Bible recalls that the week began with a triumphant entry into Jerusalem. It began with palm branches, a donkey, and shouts of “Hosanna!” It began with crowds who had just witnessed a resurrection, crowds who were hoping for an end to tyranny, crowds who were excited about the possibility of a new earthly King.
Yet we know the crowds will be sorely disappointed. Jesus doesn’t intend to be the new Cesar. He’s not interested in earthly fame or temporary peace; He’s not seeking the glory they want to give. Though the crowds want a celebrity, Christ intends to become a sacrificial Lamb.
Surrounded by opportunities for earthly glory, Christ chooses to glorify His father instead. And though His soul is troubled, Jesus remains focused on the cross. He will be lifted up so that He might draw all people to Himself. He will die in order to bear the fruit of LIFE. (John 12:20-36)
Holy week is the week LIFE is restored, the week Satan is defeated and death is overcome. It’s the week our salvation is won and the promise of eternal life is not only reiterated but proven. Jesus dies. Jesus comes back to life. We too will live again.
May your Holy Week observations not only remind you of the great love your Savior has for you, but also enable you to rejoice in the gift of LIFE now and for eternity!