Foster Care InfographicY4Life Infographic (PDF)

Perhaps you’ve heard about foster care in the news. Maybe your family is thinking about participating in foster care, or perhaps you’ve thought about becoming a foster parent in the future. Check out this infographic for some quick facts about the life-affirming process of participating in foster care.

Today I’m Feeling … Prayers for anyone who is involved in a child’s lifeDownload PDF

Congratulations! God chose you to be part of a child’s life. Being part of a family can be emotional. Sometimes it’s exciting or filled with laughter, and other times it’s really hard. But no matter how you are feeling today, you are never alone.

Communicating with Young Children BookmarkDownload PDF

This bookmark provides a simple key for expressing emotions when communication with those who have disabilities becomes confusing or frustrating. We seek this communication because each person is uniquely and intricately designed by God; each person brings Him glory. He claims us as His own. We are His. “I have called you by name. You are mine.” (Isaiah 43:1b ESV)

Communicating with Young Children PlacematDownload PDF

When children are very young, communication issues can be a source of confusion and frustration. This placemat supports families beyond the birth of a child and provides simple stepping stones for communicating and praying with young children.