Freedom in Family

By Madison Zuniga “Well, I would love to go to graduate school, or work in the publishing and editing field, but I definitely want to prioritize starting a family.” A crease forms on my friend’s forehead, and I sense her …
By: Jenna Siek During my last year of high school, I became very familiar with the question “What are you doing next?” This was usually a daunting question to answer because my vision of post-high school was rather murky. A …
By: Ella Wiegand Anyone with a social media account is constantly bombarded with sex. Whether it’s actual porn, nudity, sexual information, or maybe just hearing others talk about it, sex is everywhere. All of us have probably watched a movie …
By: Olivia Hitz “The joy of the Lord is my strength,” I whisper to myself as I exhale through the pain in my hip. I’m standing in line to go up to the communion rail on Sunday morning, but I …
Cori Meier, Y4Life Assistant Maybe you’ve seen it on social media – the tendency toward verbally annihilating people we don’t agree with. Disagree with someone politically or ideologically? Let’s jump straight to the name-calling. People are called “slime,” “garbage,” or …